Thursday, November 13, 2008

Balance or foolishness?

Recently I was listening to a pagan pod cast I enjoy and the host was talking about balance. Let me make clear that I understood her point which was no one is all dark or all light. She was talking about how many Pagans claim to be only of the light and that they have no dark thoughts, impulses, etc. That kind of behavior is not normal nor likely in a human being, I think we can all agree. My problem with her rationale was that she used the word balance to describe this point. She stated that if a person was all one thing light or dark; they would be out of balance and therefore in trouble. Folks let me say right now this kind of thinking just does not work and is sloppy. If you follow that logic, for every "positive" action I take, I must make a similar "negative" action to remain in balance. In the end everyone would be at best neutral as to how they affect the world and their community. Think about it, would you want to receive a present from your boyfriend today knowing that tomorrow you're are gonna get a smack? Faulty logic and lack of common sense is one of the greatest problems in Paganism today. In defense of the unnamed pod cast host she also agrees that we are missing common sense, it is just the way she spoke about her beliefs that brought me to this topic, no disrespect meant. So if balance is not about each person's every action what is it about? Balance is about things macro cosmic; balance between jobs and the environment; between individual freedom and security and between the individual and society. This is not to say a kind of balance cannot apply in one's own life; balancing work and family for instance, that is balance on the micro scale. The question of whether anyone is all light or dark is a different matter entirely. It may seem terribly picky; a charge I am guilty of regularly but, words do matter and how you present your thoughts and beliefs may determine how they are received. I implore you to think about your beliefs more; to try and communicate them in a new and perhaps better way. We will all benefit from understanding each other better and hopefully we will understand ourselves better too.

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