Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pagan podcasting

I have been listening to a lot of pagan pod casts lately and in general I am enjoying it. It is interesting and helpful to me to hear other people's opinions and it reminds me to review my own thoughts from time to time. There are many different ideas about paganism being expressed and a wide variety of practices being discussed. What I like the most about pod casting is hearing the personal stories and experiences of the hosts. Since I am an opinionated person myself, there are of course things I don't like. One of my main complaints is the lack of show prep so obvious in many pod casts or any attempt to edit them after the fact. It is not uncommon to listen to a host hem and haw for several minutes while they think of something to say. Something else I don't care for is the constant attempt to include pagan music in each show; as Deo from "Deo's Shadow" put it pagan music sucks. I personally can live without any more bad music in my life regardless of who is producing it. Overall I think the democratization of radio, TV and pod casting is a great thing for everyone. The narrow point of view expressed in "mainstream" media is boring and does not in any way reflect the populace. Social networking sites and YouTube have done a great deal to both cause regular people to become crazy narcissists and bring people together in common understanding. Pod casting has the opportunity to create a vibrant, flexible, creative pagan community in the next few years. A community in which everyone can tell their own story and share their truth with the world. Yes I understand that means every Raven, Willow and Fairy Bunny will clog up the bandwidth with silly websites, pod casts and such. That is the downside of democracy but, it is far far better than the strangle hold on thought and ideas some societies deal with every day.

1 comment:

dscarron said...


I think you should have a listen...

Hail! My thought process is that if folks want music then go away to Myspace. Or do a music only podcast. Music is a medium for the religious message and not the final point.

Wes Thu Hal
David Carron